Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people

Николай Лакутин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: When years old remind of themselves no longer with the most joyful emotions, and the success and achievements in life are very mediocre, then the internal age crisis can sometimes end tragically. BUT! What if two such characters on the threshold of their extremes in experiences suddenly collide on the border of solutions?

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Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people


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Grisha does not immediately, carefully, having considered his actions and words, approaches Lida and sits down next to her.

GRISHA: AND… is there still time? The day hasn't ended since you blew out the candle?

Lida looks at Grisha with interest. Grisha looks with interest and responsibility at Lida.

Lida takes out her mobile phone and looks at the time.

LIDA: less than an hour Left. But what it will solve…

Puts the phone away. Cautiously, he glances at Grisha in fits and starts.

Grisha thoroughly thinks about something, gets up, moves away from Lida, goes to the Bush, pulls out a blade of grass, weaves it into a ring. Carefully glances at Lida in snatches, Lida turns sharply, as if she wasn't looking at what Grisha is doing there.

Grisha is coming to the Lido on the back.

GRISHA: In the end, we will always have time to get a divorce.

He sits down on one knee, and Lida turns at his words. Grisha holds out a ring made of grass.

GRISHA (in all seriousness): Marry me!

The "X" Moment. A quivering moment, a look of anticipation from Lida.

LIDA: What else?

GREGORY (angrily): What do you mean?"

LIDA: what do you Take me for? Marrying the first person you meet is the height of imprudence! I'm not like that.

Grisha gets up from his knee, indignantly squeezes his homemade ring and throws it far away.

GRISHA (indignantly): So! Citizen! Are you going to hang yourself in the end, or should I help you? The queue is already rampant! You're holding me up for nothing!

LIDA: I have almost an hour to spare, if anything. So that… if there are people in the queue who are suffering very much, then I am ready to let myself go ahead. Please, you're welcome. At the same time, I will see from the outside how it all happens. The nuances are there, fluttering… what else is there? That I, however, have no training, no experience… The first pancake is always a lump, so please…

Lida makes a compliant gesture to Grisha, letting him pass.

GRISHA (relieved): Well, finally.

Grisha takes his rope and walks busily to the branch. Quickly throws the rope, it remains for a small matter. Lida watches all this with a strange expression on her face.

LIDA: Aah… I got it! You did all this on purpose to beat me to the finish line!

Lida takes off and runs to kick the door.


There is a small skirmish, jostling, gesticulation, and struggle.

As a result, both characters fall next to each other, exhausted, panting, looking at each other with a share of resentment.

The music stops.

GRISHA: Taak…, well. So neither yourself nor people? Well, well… That's what you are. (Viewer) I was going to marry her. Thank God, life took me away. But something would…

LIDA (interrupting, furious): What would it be? What would it be? As if you were serious about marrying me! Yes, I immediately realized that you are just out of pity to distract attention. I would have agreed, I would have run home happy, and you would have taken a place on the branch! Oh, these men. They don't shy away from anything Holy, just to get their way. And here, by the way, feelings! And you can't play with it! Understand?

GREGORY (shouting): And you don't take me "on the line", do you Understand? What do you mean, understand?

LIDA (furiously): I don't understand!

GRISHA (shouts): What don't you understand?

LIDA (furiously): I understand everything!

GRISHA (shouts): If you understood, you'd be married by now, you fool!

LIDA (furiously): For whom, idiot?

GRISHA (shouts): Follow me, you idiot!

LIDA (furiously): It wasn't serious! You cheated!

GRISHA (shouts): It was serious! I liked you, and I made a decision! And you vyezhivatsya start! And I sit here unmarried, or rather just stay single!

Lida thinks about it.

A pause in the exchange.

LIDA (measured): Well … married or unmarried, and we still hang side by side, so… I can say I didn't lose anything. He's so impulsive, you can't say the word.

GRISHA (measured): And you have to think what word to say!

LIDA (measured): It is necessary, I do not argue, but how can I think…

GRISHA (understandingly): Well, Yes…

Pause. Glance.

LIDA (with interest): So that… are you serious?


LIDA (with interest): Well… what about me?

Grisha sighs languidly…

GRISHA: of course, seriously. Is this a joke?

Lida smiles shyly.

LIDA (with interest): So you… really liked me?

GRISHA (to himself): yeah.

LIDA (with interest): And you are willing to marry me not out of pity, but out of your heart?

Grisha pauses.

Lida insinuates her gaze into his face.

GRISHA (to himself): yeah.

LIDA (with interest): Ah that you all uh-huh Yes uh-huh. It's like I'm forcing you.

GRISHA: So differently I have already declared my feelings, you have dismissed them!

LIDA (excitedly): Yes, I didn't dismiss my feelings, I thought that…

Lida stops abruptly, takes a deep breath, and smiles affectionately at Grisha.

LIDA (softly): I really liked you, too. Very, very. Truth.

Grisha moves away from resentment. She smiles modestly.

GRISHA: Go on…

LIDA (excitedly): Well… I don't know what to say in such cases. Can you imagine? This is the first time I've said this in thirty-five years. Tell me… and they didn't say that, but I did… This is my first time.

GRISHA: How does it feel?

LIDA: Yes, as if scalded with boiling water. But not now, but literally that's it. And… I don't feel pain, but I feel like it becomes dramatically easier… Right othodnyak be blessed… Right good…

Grisha smiles, he understands Lida.

GRISHA: I first confessed my feelings in high school. She was the best student in the class and knew her own worth. Well, I wasn't very good at knowledge, but I wasn't a two-biter either… So, in the middle kept…

LIDA (interrupts): Grisha, Grisha! Wait, wait! I understand everything, let's make sure you tell us about it, but only maybe later. And that time is mercilessly running out. The hour is inexorably passing. And this may not happen later. I may be a girl, but I've always kept my word. Let's spend the rest of our time on… You and me. I'm sorry, I may have been rude, but understand me…

GRISHA: Yes, you are right. How much time do we have there?

Lida watches the time on her phone.

LIDA (excitedly): Twenty minutes.

GRISHA (to himself): yeah.

Lida looks hopefully at Grisha, but he is silent.

Soft sad music is playing.

Lida looks down, moves away, and sits down with her back to Grisha.

Grisha thinks. She puts her hands together, interlocking her fingers, and touches her lips. Lida puts her hand on her arm, like a schoolgirl at a Desk, her hands in her lap. He puts his head in his hands. He doesn't know what's going on behind his back.

Grisha looks at Lida. His eyes are serious, determined.

The music stops.

LIDA (gravely, quietly, without turning around): Well, what's that girl for?

Grisha does not answer immediately, gradually moving away from his thoughts.

GRISHA: She laughed at me. And in public. She made a fool of me in front of the whole class.

Lida turns and looks at Grisha with sympathy.

LIDA (trembling): I'm sorry…, I… I wasn't too different from that schoolgirl in my actions, was I? I'm Sorry, Gregory. You bared your soul to me, and I…

Grisha sighs.

LIDA (trembling): Understand… I've been through a lot. Well … not more than anyone else in the world, that's for sure, but I've seen life on the side of riches and on the side of poverty. Of course, people live very differently.

Of course, the thinking of both is very different, and how many different third parties… But… But there is something that unites them all. And I'm no exception.

Lida looks at Grisha with trepidation.

GRISHA: Go on…

LIDA (trembling): One day I was coming back from work by the back streets. No one was waiting for me at home, so I took my time. I wanted to delay my return to the empty house as long as possible. And I went along an unfamiliar path, by alleys, somehow bypassing, somehow sidetracked.

Grisha listens attentively, very reverently and very seriously regarding this speech.

LIDA (trembling): She went down to the log, crossed the rickety bridge, and looked back.

A small pause, Lida remembers, selects the right words.

LIDA (trembling): There was no free space on the slopes along the small river. Everything was littered with ramshackle houses. Some sheds, buildings. How do people live on these slopes? How do they bridge there? How do they get in there anyway? After all, neither the ambulance nor the fire Department will be able to approach these barracks if anything happens. And they somehow build there, somehow settle, somehow live… After the usual ideas about villas and estates, I was shocked by what I saw. My new life was spent exclusively in apartments, and private sector houses of this type did not come across my eyes. And now, my eyes were drawn to one house. More precisely, not even a house, it was, in fact, no different from the rest of the area. A small fence caught my eye. Quite small. Literally meters and a half wide and in length from the gate to the porch two and a half meters in all. But on this small patch of freedom, a brand-new basketball Hoop was installed. Bench, kennel for the dog. I suddenly realized that Yes… this family lives very poorly, does not have any communications and amenities, which, without thinking about what happens otherwise, are used by residents of large cities. But with all this, the father in this family comes home from work and plays basketball with his son. They just throw a ball together in the same ring, tease a smiling dog and turn around at the call of their wife and mother, who invites their favorite people to dinner.

Lida pauses for a moment. Her face radiates happiness, a certain inner light of openness, affection, kindness and self-denial.

LIDA (trembling): I saw the picture right there. I was suddenly shivering with an inner feeling that was bursting out and gaining momentum. And this feeling was very strong, unusual, unfamiliar to me… I … I suddenly realized what it means to be happy!

GRISHA: That's right… It is happiness generated by the gut, and not external factors that unites us all… And side by side with this very happiness is accompanied by love.

LIDA: Here! But this discovery I made for myself quite recently… literally just now…

Lida and Grisha look at each other warily.

LIDA: do you Know why I just told you about this?

Grisha nods questioningly.

LIDA: Because here with you I experienced the same feeling as I did on the shaky bridge.

Lida looks at Grisha, giving herself up completely in this look. Grisha understands everything, puts his hand to his hair, trying to somehow cope with the excitement.

Lida gets up, goes to a Bush, tears off a blade of grass, twists a ring out of it, and sits down on her knees in front of Grisha, holding out this ring to him.

LIDA: I thought that didn't happen. But it turns out that I still don't know a lot about life. Grisha… I love you, please marry me, please take me…

Lyrical music is playing.

Lida throws herself on the shoulders of Grisha, who gently embraces her, but does not respond.

The music is playing, the couple is embracing, their embrace shows reciprocity.

The music stops.

LIDA (recoiling with hope): Does that mean YES?

GRISHA: That means NO!

LIDA (confused): What? No? Oh, you… YOU!!! Do you know who you are after that?

Lida jumps up from her knees, she is raging.

Grisha tries to say something, quite calmly explain something, but the girl is not up to it. She's raging and raging. Bushes, trees, everything that is nearby in the place of events fall under the attack.

LIDA (angrily): Guys… What a creation! This is simply unbearable. How can I interact with you at all? You… You are somehow strangely distributed. Either suckers, or such that only through the back knee of the third leg something can be understood.

Lida shakes her head in disapproval and rage. He goes to his rope, picks it up, looks at it sorrowfully, throws it on the floor, approaches Grisha with a mute question, wants to ask something, but changes his mind hopelessly. He returns to the rope, picks it up, walks sadly with it to the tree, raises his head to the branch, sighs, begins to try to establish something about his primary idea.

GRISHA (calmly, distantly, as if continuing some friendly warm dialogue): … and I built a small house outside the city. Small, but cozy. Twenty-eight square meters on the first floor, there is a hall and a kitchen. And on the second floor there are two bedrooms of eleven squares. Good place. A plot of land on five acres, the entrance to the house is beautiful, not far from the highway, there is some infrastructure-no. Everyone asked me – why do you need this? That there's nothing to do? You live in a two-bedroom apartment in the center and live, and what is there to do outside the city? Why are you building it? Who is this for?

Lida begins to understand what Grisha is leading to. She smoothly stops in her actions, turns slowly, and looks attentively at Grisha.

GRISHA (calmly continues, almost paying no attention to the girl): … and I believed, I practically knew that sooner or later… it may be too late, or almost too late, but I will meet a girl who I will bring to this house, and she will be the mistress. It will add the last, but most important touches and create comfort. He will do what I can't do alone.

Grisha stares at Lida, a tear almost falling from his eye.

GRISHA (nodding brightly): I listened to your story and correlated it with what is dear and valuable to me. You know, I … like most men, I've always wanted a son. And in the backyard of the house for the future, so to speak, built a small basketball court.

Maintains a pause.

GRISHA (with a face beaming with happiness): Bought a new ball. Just like they play on the best basketball courts in the world… I held this ball in my hands and imagined how my son and I would play on this court. How I will lift him up by the armpits to the ring, and he will be happy to throw the ball into the basket… How much… I spent the hours of my days in these happy dreams…

Grisha gets up from the ground, shakes himself off, goes to the Bush, tears off a twig or blade of grass. Making a ring.

GRISHA (without looking at Lida): Dear Lida… I turned you down for one reason only. Not because I don't want you to be my wife, but because a man should propose. And if something happens, then blame no one, but only yourself!

Grisha twists the ring, and Lida, realizing what really happened, covers her face with her hands in shame.

GRISHA (turns to the girl): What's the clock? There are still a few minutes left for our century?

Lida takes out her phone and looks at it.

LIDA (happily, but with restrained calm): Yes…, the last few minutes have started their run…

Grisha goes up to Lida, sits down on one knee and hands her the ring.

GRISHA: Lida, my beautiful doubt, my happy doubt, my only doubt in my life… Please become my wife!

Lida hesitates. Whatever it was, it was a very serious step.

LIDA (half-joking): do you Promise that if anything happens, you will then blame yourself exclusively?

GRISHA: I Promise!

Lida covers her face with her hands again, wiping away happy tears. He accepts the ring, puts it on his ring finger, and hands it to Grisha.

LIDA (half-joking): I think this is unnecessary, I will do everything so that you do not have a reason to blame yourself, Grisha… Yes, I agree to be your wife, I really want to be your wife!

They lift the ropes and tie them together like a single piece of machinery.





The terms of the play are negotiated individually.

All of Nikolai Lakutin's plays are publicly available on the author's official website the" Plays " section

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