
Vladimir Anderson
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: Faust is the best hitman in the service of the Sicilian mafia "Cosa Nostra". While running a series of errands, he falls into a trap from which he miraculously manages to escape. And whoever tried to frame him may not be the only one threatening him as part of a criminal clan war. It appears to be the hunt for the Goat Nostra itself. *** This book is for those who are looking for temporary relief from the tedium of everyday life and are eager to dive into the world of a suspenseful crime thriller. The pages of this story have the power to stir your nerves and take you into a thrilling reality where bloody intrigue and brutality epitomize the confrontation between the mafia and justice. Follow Faust, the eternal wanderer, on his deadly pursuit and discover a world where truth and treachery intertwine in a dangerous game where every step can cost a life.

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The Sicilian hole

2:16 p.m. Aug. 16.

The first question is, why did the pilot start shooting at the Lüttwitz and trying to fly away? Option one, he's a bought one, or he's not ours at all.

The second question is, by whom? There are as many options as there are enemies. Question three, how could anyone know I was even there. My entire squad, every one of whom I can vouch for, and the base knew.

The base consisted of two hired men: Bruce Milton — liaison and information officer, Ray Dulfer — hacker and coordinator. Some of them play for two teams, but I can only find out in person when I see their eyes with my own eyes (one very big advantage of the old man is experience, which helps to determine "who is right and who is wrong" quite accurately), so let's go to Syracuse.

They were located in an absolutely extraordinary hotel in the center of the city on the 20th floor. Sometimes I ask myself the question: "Why the fuck should some people who break the law risk their lives every second of their existence and sometimes be in "dog" conditions, and others, also breaking the law, luxuriate in similar establishments?"

The door was opened by Bruce, who exclaimed, "Oh! I didn't think you'd stop by. Ray, Faust is here!".

My fist smashed into his jaw with the words, "What are you yelling about?". Bruce slumped down, a smile on his face, while Rei entered from the other room, saying, "Good to see you, Commander…"

"You're better off because one of you is a woodpecker…" By the way, their eyes are already glistening, they're both woodpeckers…

Milton was staring out the window and at Ray, Ray was staring at me and at Bruce, and I was staring out the window and at Bruce and Ray. It's a cool picture called: "Faust appears."

"So, what are we going to do?"

"Or maybe you were wrong, Commander?" — Rei suggested. "It's possible, isn't it?" — Bruce chimed in.

I pulled out my phone, dialed a number, and announced, "This is Faust. Milton and Dulfer are sons of bitches who betrayed the organization. Send the boys to the Hotel San Remo, room 214…" — I turned off the communication device — "You have the option to live an extra few hours on the run, but know this — either way you're going to get caught. Whether you use it or not is up to you, but I wouldn't drag this out if I were you."

"But, Faust…"


I left the room and walked down the long, long hallway, finding myself pretty sure that they were going to come out of that building either alive or dead, but either way, both.

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