The parable of good and bad deeds

Sergey Valerich
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: Our whole life is a continuous stream of deeds and deeds. And by doing them, it's as if we are building our house of life out of the bricks of deeds and deeds. But does everyone know and understand what it means to build a house of their life?… So our fairy-tale heroes, the heavenly souls Mickey and Oscar, live and build their houses of life in a fairy-tale and magical world. But bad weather and rain happen — and Mickey's house is standing whole and unharmed, warming its owner with warmth, and Oscar's, for some reason, collapses and pours like sand! And now it's time for Oscar to go on an interesting and instructive adventure to find the cause of his troubles, and find out why the souls of their fairy-tale world have houses of life collapsing from the rain? How to distinguish good deeds from bad ones? What is the most important law in life? Why do they pay so little for good deeds? How can a fabulous soul find a reference point for life and build a reliable and eternal house of life?

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The parable of good and bad deeds

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In my grandfather's wonderful garden

The kids were glad to hear what they heard, but they were thinking seriously! Therefore, Grandpa decided to cheer up and entertain the kids after a long instructive conversation.

— Kids, let's fly to my wonderful garden, I'll tell you the story of how I created it and see a lot of interesting things!

And all three of us, our fabulous souls flew to the big and beautiful grandfather's garden. On one side it was surrounded by a forest with majestic pines and beautiful birches. And on the other side of the garden, there was a clear blue lake, with a beautiful rocky bottom and a shore of the purest white sand. In the garden itself there were many fruit trees and beautiful and fragrant flowerbeds with magnificent flowers. Mickey and Oscar adored Grandpa's garden and loved to fly in it, have fun and splash in the clear lake.

— Wonderful garden, Grandpa! I really like it, and I'll make myself one too! — Mickey said enthusiastically, circling around the fragrant and useful juniper.

— Of course, we will, and I will help you, — Oscar picked up and picked a couple of ripe apples from his grandfather's favorite apple tree.

— Everything will work out for you, my children, and I will also help in any way I can — grandpa offered his help to Mickey and enjoying the beautiful flowers and the smell of roses, flew deep into the garden.

— Grandpa, tell me how you created such a beautiful garden, you probably have a talent! Mickey asked.

— I don't know, kids, whether I had a talent for beauty or gardening, but I remember for sure that I flew around my house in an empty field and didn't even know how and where apples and flowers come from, — grandfather laughed and continued, — but I definitely understood that I wanted a beautiful garden, and how I had no idea how to create it at all!

— Yes, grandfather, I'm just the same, every time after a rain or a hurricane, I circle around my ruins of the house of life, and I don't understand how to build it reliable! Oscar laughed.

— So, after asking the elders for advice, I started taking deeds and deeds about the garden and flower beds at the life fair. «To help my grandmother water flowers and trees», «weeding flower beds», «planting a tree» and many other interesting things I found at the fair on this topic, and took up their implementation, hoping to learn how to do everything myself and create my own magnificent garden.

— Did the snakes bother you, Grandpa? — Oscar asked.

— Even then I understood how to distinguish a good thing from a bad one and did not take cases like «trample the garden», «break a branch taking out an apple», «cheat that I watered the flowers, and fly away to play with friends myself»… I also saw all these bad deeds mixed up with good deeds and tried not to do them, as far as I had enough experience.

— Grandpa, what should I do if I realize that my action was bad, but I've already done it? — asked Oscar.

— Well, not always do we have time to think about our actions. Sometimes we act impulsively or hurry somewhere. It happens that we understand the consequences only when we see holes in our life's house or feel cold and dampness inside. But if we have done something wrong and then realized it, no matter how much time has passed, we should try to make it right. We should apologize for what we did, discuss it, make amends if we caused any losses, find a compromise, and try not to do it again, — replied the grandpa.

— And I didn't think about the garden near the house before, — said Mickey, — but when I accidentally took cases about the garden at the life fair, I liked it, and I got carried away, and now I often take them, and at the same time it helps me with my small but beautiful garden.

— Yes, Mickey, it happens that we do something, for example, at the request of our elders, and over time we get carried away and it becomes our hobby or life's work, but sometimes not, — grandpa replied and continued, — and so year after year, I learned a lot by doing things and deeds on the fair about the garden. Even when I opened my shop, I also started selling garden-themed cases and this helped me create my own magnificent garden. And now I often fly to the fair and do something interesting, and then I fly to my garden and repeat. And my garden is getting better and better every day.

Suddenly Oscar stopped, and looking down, asked Grandpa:

— Grandpa, what if there are no good deeds or actions at the fair? What should I do then? I can't just sit idle, and the hole in the house is letting in cold air, — Oscar asked.

Grandpa looked at Oscar mysteriously, and seeing his excitement, asked with a smile:

— And why did such a question arise?

— Well, Grandpa, answer my question first, please, and I'll tell you everything! Oscar said evasively.

— OK, Oscar, — said Grandpa and continued, — yes, there is not always time to think about your action. Sometimes we take on bad things in a hurry or hurry somewhere. It happens that out of anger and in a desire for revenge. And we dismiss the main law, and do not observe «do not do to another what you do not want to yourself», because we think that we will not get anything bad for it. But we realize the harm of our act only when we see holes in our house of life and freeze in it from cold and dampness. But if something bad has been done, but then an understanding of what happened came, and no matter how much time has passed, you need to go back and apologize for what you did. To discuss, to make amends, to compensate for the losses, if any, to find a compromise and not to do so anymore.

— OK, — Oscar replied and continued, — you can't hide anything from you, Grandpa, I accidentally broke a branch when I was picking apples from your favorite apple tree. I'm sorry, I won't do it again! Oscar said, looking down.

— It's okay, Oscar, it happens. The main thing is that you realized what you did wrong and apologized. And he did not hide what he had done, fearing punishment. An apology and an admission of guilt can exclude even the thought of punishing you! And we will heal the apple tree, and it will still give us many, many apples! Grandpa replied with a smile.

— Thank you, Grandpa, — Oscar said, hugging him, and together with Mickey and Grandpa they continued to enjoy the charm of Grandpa's garden.

High up in the blue sky, the magical radiant sun shone brightly. Many beautiful birds of paradise sang and flew from tree to tree. And even a beautiful peacock, proudly flew in front of the fascinated gazes of the kids, developing its beautiful, multi-faceted and multicolored tail! Everything was great and well maintained.

Having flown in plenty and gathered a basket full of apples, fruits and some flowers, they flew to a small house-bathhouse with a veranda near the lake. Grandpa stayed to cook dinner, and Mickey and Oscar flew to the lake. Having splashed and played enough in a clean and warm lake, having warmed up and dried off in the sun, our children flew back to the veranda to their grandfather, to the smell of something very tasty. Grandpa was already waiting for them there with dinner and fruit for dessert, with apples baked in the oven. Hungry after bathing, the children quickly settled down at the table and began to have a delicious dinner.

After thanking Grandpa for his delicious dinner and having eaten enough, Mickey and Oscar lay down on a soft sofa next to the fireplace. Oscar did not like idle lounging and flew to melt the bathhouse and bring firewood to the fireplace, but soon he suddenly returned with a question to his grandfather:

— Grandpa, what if there are no good deeds and deeds at the fair? Over. What should I do? I can't sit around doing nothing, and even if the hole in the house blows cold," Oscar asked, sensing that grandpa would not like his question, but not knowing the answer to it, he still took a chance.

— It's good that you, Oscar, can't sit around doing nothing, — Grandpa began approvingly and continued, — but, first of all, in my memory there has never been such a thing that there were no good things at the fair, we just don't bother with the desire to do them, and don't seem to notice them.

— And I don't remember this, — Mickey interrupted Grandpa and continued, — out, the actions «smile at passers-by» or «don't argue» always lie, but no one takes it, they probably cost cheap, — Mickey said thoughtfully and continued listening to grandpa.

— And secondly, — grandfather continued, — if it blows in the house, it means he did a bad thing. And what, again and again you want to do bad things, just to patch up the holes? — Grandpa asked sternly, but continued kindly, — Oscar, did you come to me for advice because there wasn't even a foundation left of your house, or because you didn't have any friends except Mickey, or sleep? And only worries and endless useless worries?

— Yes, Grandfather, you're right. I'm sorry for my question, but I'm like this and there's nothing I can do. And I can't sit around doing nothing," Oscar answered sadly, and looked hopefully at his grandfather.

— Nothing, Oscar, you're young and hot, we were all like that once, — Oscar's grandfather encouraged, — but it's better to do nothing than do useless things for your house of life over and over again and breed evil in our magical and beautiful world. Be patient, stay at home, read books by the fireplace. And if your house has collapsed or it's blowing cold — fly down to see your best friend or beloved grandfather," grandpa said with a smile, "and never take bad things at the fair. Better ask your friend Mickey or I have good bricks and fix a hole in the house. A friend will never refuse. And then you will repay him the debt, and also with good bricks! It's better than wasting time at the life fair on bad deeds and bringing evil into your home again and again.

— And where did Mickey get the bricks!? He probably, like me, invests everything in the house, in the bathhouse and garden without a trace? Oscar asked in surprise.

— That's how I always have bricks, — Mickey answered him, — and I put them aside just in case, they are lying and waiting for their use. I'm always happy to share with you, Oscar.

— And I, Oscar, have already accumulated a whole shed of good bricks, — said Grandpa, — and I still report and report — who knows what's ahead — they will be useful to us and my friends.

— Come on!? — Oscar was surprised, — how do you manage to save bricks? I don't have time to patch up my holes and restore the walls, but you still have! — said Oscar, putting wood in the fireplace, but after thinking continued, — well, now I understand why — you do good things and get strong bricks that do not collapse. Therefore, there are no holes in the house of life and nothing needs to be repaired. All new bricks go only to the construction of a new one and into the piggy bank. Of course, you need to be patient a little — you can't build a house quickly. But then, my good deeds will serve me for many, many years, in the strong bricks of my house of life.

— Well done, Oscar, you're right to reason — the grandfather said approvingly and continued, — and also, you don't need to put all the bricks into the business at once, suddenly you miscalculated and you won't have time to do everything before the rain. You'll get so wet without a roof over your head. It's better not to rush, put aside as much as you need, with a reserve, for a new building, and then do it — so that there is a roof over your head and stocks in the shed.

— It's hard for me to wait, — Oscar answered thoughtfully, but I heard your advice and I'll try to use it, — said Oscar and thinking over his grandfather's answer, flew on to heat the bathhouse.

All evening the kids had fun in the bathhouse by the lake, warmed up and steamed in the bathhouse, and then splashed in the lake. They told different stories and after drying out by the fireplace and drinking tea with dryers, they flew back to their grandfather's house. On the way back, flying through the wonderful grandfather's garden, and admiring the evening sunset, the inquisitive Oscar asked grandfather with interest:

— I remembered here, there are actions not in relation to others, but to myself, and it is not at all clear whether this is a bad or a good act. For example, «do not brush your teeth before going to bed», or «do not exercise in the morning», I do this act to myself and it is not clear whether it is bad or good. I want that's all! How to be, how to understand if I'm doing bad or good?

— In such cases, when there is no understanding, the elders will help, — grandfather replied, — you can come to them for advice, they will definitely find an answer and explain. And also, reading books helps. Here's Mickey, he often sits and reads books, and you jump like a scalded one, he has no time for everything. And Mickey has a strong house, but you don't.

— Yes, Grandpa, I like to read books and learned a lot of useful things from them for myself, — Mickey said happily, — so they help me choose good deeds and deeds and avoid bad ones? Mickey asked Grandpa happily.

— That's right, Mickey, that's right, — Grandpa replied and continued, — and also, you always listened to your parents and elders. The elders have seen a lot in their lives and done a lot of different things. Will the elders give bad advice? And we've read a lot of books. Books, my children, tell about various deeds and deeds, and there is always an assessment of them. And we, being carried away by the plot, involuntarily remember what is good and what is bad. And when we come to the life fair, we unconsciously select only good deeds, because we have already been given this hint in the books.

— I see, Grandfather. I will read books and listen to my elders, — Oscar said and, satisfied with the answer to his question, looked at the dark starry sky. They got to their grandfather's house and breathlessly admired nature. It was already dark outside and a soft mist, in thin trickles, crept in the garden along the treetops and over the mirrored surface of a quiet lake. The birds were no longer heard, and only the crickets cut through the silence with their sharp roll calls. In the dark, endless sky, the stars fell sparkling, giving a small, but still a chance to make the children their innermost wish. Our fabulous souls went to bed, and the quiet night life of distant and mysterious stars continued outside the window.

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