The parable of good and bad deeds

Sergey Valerich
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: Our whole life is a continuous stream of deeds and deeds. And by doing them, it's as if we are building our house of life out of the bricks of deeds and deeds. But does everyone know and understand what it means to build a house of their life?… So our fairy-tale heroes, the heavenly souls Mickey and Oscar, live and build their houses of life in a fairy-tale and magical world. But bad weather and rain happen — and Mickey's house is standing whole and unharmed, warming its owner with warmth, and Oscar's, for some reason, collapses and pours like sand! And now it's time for Oscar to go on an interesting and instructive adventure to find the cause of his troubles, and find out why the souls of their fairy-tale world have houses of life collapsing from the rain? How to distinguish good deeds from bad ones? What is the most important law in life? Why do they pay so little for good deeds? How can a fabulous soul find a reference point for life and build a reliable and eternal house of life?

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The parable of good and bad deeds

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A landmark for life

After reading books in the green room and finishing all the tea, Mickey and Oscar continued their tour of the house. Grandpa showed them all the rooms and proudly displayed the beautiful paintings hanging in abundance on the walls of the rooms and corridors. They visited the lounge and, of course, the large, spacious, and bright kitchen where Grandpa prepared a delicious lunch for them.

— Grandpa, I've always thought, — Oscar began the conversation as he sat down at the large and beautiful dining table, — that those who have big houses live so well and splendidly! They have parties and balls! — Oscar said with envy and admiration.

— But you had a big castle, didn't you? What about that now? — Mickey asked, placing a spoonful of sour cream into his bowl of hearty borscht. However, Oscar only fell into thoughtful silence in response.

— You've raised an interesting topic, Oscar, — Grandpa said as he sat down at the table, praising his delicious borscht, — we are eternal souls, my children. I've lived for so many years, I can't even remember if it's a thousand or ten thousand years. It's just a matter of perception that it seems like celestial rains and hurricanes visit us frequently. In reality, it varies. We often have light and gentle showers that wash away the bricks and point out the flaws in our house of life. And hurricanes, they may come once every fifty years, or maybe once every hundred years to our magical kingdom. No one knows when it will hit your town or when it will hit my lake. Souls forget about it and build their castles with bad deeds, just to show off and make other inexperienced souls in our magical world jealous. They ignore the showers that wash away the bricks from their life's castles, as if it's meant to be. And these adversities only motivate inexperienced souls to work even harder at the fair of life and earn even more rotten bricks for their bad deeds…

— Yes, Grandpa, you're absolutely right, — Oscar interrupted, — after a shower, all I feel is anger and the desire to fly to the fair of life as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter what tasks I take on, as long as they pay more bricks. I take on any deed without discrimination, just to quickly patch up the holes in my house!

— Yes, Oscar, many people act that way, doing whatever comes their way, without considering others. They disregard and dismiss the main law of «do not do unto others what you do not wish for yourself». They brush it off like an annoying fly, — Grandpa disapprovingly shook his head and continued, — but in reality, the holes in our house of life are a good reason to reflect. Are the deeds we do at the fair of life the right ones? Have we made the right choices in our actions? And the heavenly rain helps us understand by washing away the impurities from our homes.

— With each passing hour, I grow to love the rain more and more, — Oscar joyfully said, asking Grandpa for another serving of delicious borscht.

— Yes, Oscar, the magical rain is our salvation, but not everyone understands this or pays attention. But when the celestial hurricane arrives, it's the final test for all our deeds and actions! No rotten brick can hide from it! Those souls in our magical world who have done good at the fair of life will continue their kind journey, and after the hurricane, they will be in their warm and cozy homes or grand castles. As for the rest, unfortunately, they remain amidst the ruins and start anew. And not just a hundred showers or a dozen hurricanes will pass in the infinite life of our enchanted souls before everyone understands and figures out what is good and what is bad for their house of life.

— So, it turns out that not all owners of big and beautiful castles deserve our envy, admiration, and emulation? — Oscar asked and eagerly began his second dish.

— Yes, Oscar, there are castles made of good bricks, and there are those made of sand. Take my guesthouse, for example. It's as grand as a palace, standing for centuries without being shaken by even a dozen hurricanes, — Grandpa modestly praised his home.

— Then we'll take you as our role model, Grandpa, and you'll be our guide at the fair of life! — Oscar and Mickey simultaneously exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

— That's wonderful, my dear children! I'm pleased with your choice, — Grandpa replied, joining their laughter. He continued, — but remember, the most important thing is not for my palace and beautiful lake garden to be your guides in life, but rather my deeds and actions that have allowed me to possess all of this for centuries to serve.

— Agreed, Grandpa! — Oscar and Mickey replied in unison.

— Get to know the owners of your beloved castles of life more closely, — Grandpa continued, — learn about their deeds and actions. Find out what they do at the fair of life, and then you'll understand whether their castles are made of sand, merely tempting and seducing the inexperienced, or if they are built with good and everlasting bricks. The rain and the hurricane will come and put everyone in their rightful place, some in the puddle and others in the honorable dais, — Grandpa said with a smile.

— The puddle is my favorite spot! — Oscar laughed, — but now, don't expect me to be the butt of your jokes anymore!

— But not all doers of good deeds can be found in beautiful and grand houses like mine, — Grandpa continued, pouring tea for everyone and treating them to dessert, — some souls live their lives, bringing joy to themselves and others through their good deeds and actions, and yet they don't even bother to collect bricks for themselves. They live in ordinary and inconspicuous, yet cozy homes. Finding such souls and gaining their wisdom is not difficult, and we know how to do it — read more books, and there you will encounter them and understand the eternal wisdom of good bricks. Perhaps they will become your guides at the fair of life.

— We have you, Grandpa, — Oscar said, hinting at his reluctance to read books.

— Don't worry, Oscar. Books are fascinating. Once you get into them, you'll enjoy it! — Mickey replied with a smile.

— That's why you shouldn't be surprised or envious of others' castles, — Grandpa continued, — do good deeds, take your time, and everything will come to you as well.

— Grandpa, why didn't you tell us all this earlier? — Oscar asked, sounding a bit offended.

— Children, people have been telling you about these things since your early childhood, but you simply didn't want to listen, — Grandpa answered, — and one more question, Oscar: Have you truly understood everything, and will your own home be as strong and cozy as mine and Mickey's?

— Of course, it will, I'll do my best! — Oscar replied and laughed, — the most important thing is to have the right orientation in life, and then we won't be tempted by rotten sand castles!

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