Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Николай Лакутин
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Аннотация: Two friends, on a fine winter day, unexpectedly decide to veto their love Affairs, and start the New year with a clean slate. Determined, they almost sincerely try to enter a righteous life, but will their mistresses want to let their "friends" out of their clutches? What will come of this, read in the Comedy play "Somehow two under the new year".

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Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

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In a stylish jacket, boots, and an elegant scarf tied around the head and neck, Semyon's wife Alina enters the stage with a swagger. She looks at the Windows, something attracts her eyes, she looks for a product.

Leni's wife, Nora, comes out from the other side of the stage. She is dressed much more richly than Alina, although she looks quite good.

In the hands of the burrows of four large bag with clothes and food. She reaches the visitor's couch, puts the bags on the floor, and with a loud gasp, sits down on the couch.

Alina turns to "Ah", and recognizes a friend in the Hole.

ALINA (pleasantly surprised): Nora?

Nora doesn't immediately turn to Alina.

NORA (pleasantly surprised): Alina? What a meeting!

ALINA (openly, sincerely): I haven't seen you in a thousand years!

NORA (located): Yes at all! I didn't even recognize you right away. Sit down next to me and we'll chat!

Alina sits down next to Nora on the sofa, putting the product that interests her back on the shelf.

NORA :Well, tell me! What's up? How's life? Our husbands see each other all the time, and we hardly ever see each other at all, that's an omission!

ALINA (openly, sincerely): Don't tell me. My Senya only goes somewhere with Lenchik. I have already sinned to think that they have love there.


ALINA (kindly): Well, what to tell… Live. Normally. Home-work, home-work. Here. I broke out in a boutique, I haven't pampered myself with new rags for a long time. Why do you carry such heavy bags yourself? Where's yours? The day off is today.

NORA (with a wave of her hand, calmly): Yes where… Went snowboarding (makes a gesture of quotation marks, bending two outstretched fingers index and middle)

ALINA (not understanding): What does it mean?

Nora smiles modestly, but her smile is telling.

ALINA (carefully): Are you implying that he's got someone in there?

NORA (quietly): I'm sure of it one hundred percent. He has a mistress. I'll even say more. He doesn't have one, but at least three. One permanent and two temporary, updated periodically.

Alina is in shock.

ALINA (after a pause, extremely surprised): I Don't understand. But why do you need all this? You know everything and you're still with him?

NORA (calmly, even a little complacently): Yes!

ALINA (extremely surprised): But why?

NORA (calmly, even a little smug): Because I'd rather have twenty-five percent of a good deal than a hundred percent of a bad one.

Alina is stunned. She leans back on the sofa, thinking, and puts her fingers to her lips.

ALINA (in prostration): Curiously.

NORA (calmly): What's so curious about that? This is life. This is happening every step of the way. There, look (he waves his hand around the auditorium), how many such stories there are. Everything is here, everything is near. Just like everywhere else. So that… nothing new. You can say – gray days.

ALINA (in prostration): Do you think that all men cheat on their wives?

Nora makes a childlike face in response.

ALINA (doubtful): Well … no, I don't think so. Take my Senya, for example. (Sure) Your Lenya – I don't know, I won't speak for him, although theoretically… (carefully) Theoretically! Yes, he's a good-looking uncle, a lively little Sparrow. And for a word in the pocket will not go and … well… in short, such women love. But! Again. Love something let them love, no one is immune from this, but to reciprocate who does not get – this is a matter of consciousness. Here everyone makes their own decision. Well! Take my Senya for example! He is a thoroughly domestic man. Such a prototype of a loyal family man. I'll bet he'll never get mixed up with anyone, at least not while he's married. Yes, and after, if suddenly that…, too, not fact. I am… You know, you could say you forced him to marry you. He's always been a tight-ass. No, he's nothing like a man, but in the women's question-not an eagle at all.Well… not in that sense, in this sense, we are all good with him. And in the sense that with someone else… (Exhales) Shhh… Not ale at all. This is not the case. I have it at home.

Nora shakes her head skeptically as she listens to her friend, looks at her as if she's a fool, but doesn't try to convince her otherwise.

Alina speaks out, leaves the imposing form of arrangement on the sofa, sits down more modestly and somehow begins to analyze the latest events dubiously.

ALINA (doubtful): Although… you know, today he called me in a strange, all-out way. It's kind of twisted. He interrogated me on the phone. What I do there, what I watch… So strange. When I put the phone down, I did… In General, I do not understand why he has all these suspicions?

NORA (calmly): Well… that's right.

ALINA (not understanding): What is correct?

NORA (calmly): Well, you're a little girl, by God. Don't you know the nature of jealousy? Where does it come from? Yes, from the experience of personal adventures! Not from the TV series, I assure you.

ALINA (not believing): Yes well…

NORA (calmly): So much for that… When a person is faithful to his partner, he does not even think about something like this. In his, let's say scientifically, holographic maps of the world description, there is simply no such component as treason. Hence there is no jealousy. Well, when jealousy appears – it is first of all a question to the bearer of this very jealousy. Why was there such a seed in him? No, of course, if you periodically return home at night with a strange smell of men's perfume, a Hickey on your neck and tousled hair – then the question is relevant.

Alina shakes her head, trying on the description.

NORA (calmly): Well, if from your side everything is more or less calm, measured, quiet, without obvious reasons for doubt, then … here!

ALINA (not understanding): What … here?

Nora looks at Alina with a beatific smile.

NORA (quietly): Yes, do so… thinking out loud. Okay, I'm sorry, I've already ordered a taxi, we're about to…

Nora pulls out her cell phone and looks at it.

NORA (calmly): Oh, I have a white Skoda waiting for me.

ALINA (positive): Yes, of course. See you later!

NORA (skeptical): hi Sena. Bye!

Nora gets up, takes her bags, and leaves.

Alina looks after her thoughtfully.

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