Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Николай Лакутин
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Аннотация: Two friends, on a fine winter day, unexpectedly decide to veto their love Affairs, and start the New year with a clean slate. Determined, they almost sincerely try to enter a righteous life, but will their mistresses want to let their "friends" out of their clutches? What will come of this, read in the Comedy play "Somehow two under the new year".

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Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

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Fussing and looking around, Lenya quickly runs across the stage, buttoning up his ski suit for a run.

But suddenly he is stopped by the ringing voice of a friend from the darkness.

SEMYON (seriously, loudly, reproachfully): So-so!

Semyon enters the stage from the same place where Lenya ran out.

Lenya turns around, looks at her friend with an intricate face, and tries to think of something to lie about.

Semyon raises the binoculars in his hand and flaunts them in front of his friend.

SEMYON (loudly, complacently): Look what a piece you bought yourself! Not binoculars, but a beast. In the dark, even everything is visible as day.

Hands the binoculars to a friend.

Lenya carefully takes the binoculars, examines them from all sides, nods with an appreciative, approving look, and hands them back to Sena.

LENYA (confused): Yes… good.

Semyon is in no hurry to take it back.

SEMYON (complacently): Yes, look at it, why is it so? So nothing is clear. Who evaluates binoculars by their appearance? Look at this.

Lenya begins to look somewhere through the binoculars.

SEMYON (complacently): As a species?

LENYA (in the process of looking through binoculars): Yes… great visibility. Increase directly say-at the level.

SEMYON (complacently): This is a fact. Look there, on the sixth floor, the curtains are pink and not drawn. See?

Lenya looks up through the binoculars and freezes.

SEMYON (complacently): From here, however, nothing but the chandelier can not be seen, but from the landing of the next house, it was absolutely wonderful to see how a certain citizen feeds my friend a cake. You were running around the table so merrily. I even honestly say-envied. I stand like a fool alone in a dark entrance on a smoky landing, watching, and you are there well, fun, delicious. And then… after the tea procedure, I emphasized a couple of interesting poses for myself! I'll have to try it with my wife sometime, but I'm not sure she can bend like that… and me, too. I admire you, my friend! That was awesome!

Lenya nervously removes the binoculars from her eyes.

LENYA (nervously): All right! That's enough. I understood it all. Yes, I was at Susanna's. And if you were watching us, you should have seen that I wasn't going to do this with her! I came here to put an end to our relationship.

SEMYON (skeptical): You could just call her and that's it! Or send a farewell message.

LENYA (nervously): You can just send your Kristina a farewell message, and I'm sure it won't end there. For sure, there will be a call immediately and a clarification of relations, causes, consequences, and so on and so on. And I'm with Susanna, just for a second! Five years already cut off! From bell to bell! That's it!

SEMYON (not understanding): from what other call?

LENYA (calmly… remembering): Well… from my first phone call to her, to her last call to me today.

SEMYON (with interest): Ah, I see. So what?

LENYA (calming down): Well, whatever… These issues are not resolved over the phone. Respect-first of all! This should all be said eye to eye! With intonation, facial expressions, gestures, with a tear, preferably…

SEMYON (with understanding): Yes…, perhaps you are right. I'm going to do it, too. So what went wrong?

LENYA (sadly): Yes, as it turned out, just today we have this same five-year anniversary with her, damn it.

SEMYON (sincerely): What are you? Congratulations!

LENYA (sadly): Thanks. Only… This anniversary has ruined all my plans. How could I, on a day like this, surprise her with the news of a separation? Who would I be after that? Cause your favorite girl shower pain, psychological trauma… and all this on such a significant day!

Semyon is silent, grimaces, bites his lip and rubs his chin in thought.

LENYA (sadly): So, old man, if you like, we can assume that I've lost this argument. I'd rather be known as a weakling than a sucker!

Semyon heaves a sigh, goes up to Lena, and pats him on the shoulder in a friendly way.

SEMYON (sincerely): It's all right, friend. If I were you I would have done exactly the same. Well done. Guy. I'm not complaining. Say later. We will assume that our agreement entered into force from tomorrow!

Friends kindly smile at each other, shake hands and disperse.

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