Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Николай Лакутин
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Аннотация: Two friends, on a fine winter day, unexpectedly decide to veto their love Affairs, and start the New year with a clean slate. Determined, they almost sincerely try to enter a righteous life, but will their mistresses want to let their "friends" out of their clutches? What will come of this, read in the Comedy play "Somehow two under the new year".

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Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

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Kristina, wrapped in a large Terry towel, is sitting in front of the mirror with a hair dryer and comb, drying her hair.

Movement and the expression on her face showing a nervous condition. The girl is frankly freaking out.

The doorbell rings. Kristina drops everything and rushes to the door, opens it.

KRISTINA (nervously, hysterically): Senya! thank God. Where have you been? Why didn't the phone answer? All I was worried about you.

A sad, drooping Semyon enters the room. Kristina flutters around him. She closes the door, runs, turns off the still-working hair dryer, puts it back in its place. Runs up to Semyon, looks into his eyes.

KRISTINA (quietly, scared): Honey… what happened? Why do you look like that? Where have you been, after all, for a week?

SIMON (sadly, slowly): I…

Simon lowers his eyes. With a drooping look, he sits down on the Ottoman. Snatches a guilty look at Kristina.

KRISTINA (with increasing intonation): Senya, my heart is about to jump out. Tell me what happened.

SEMYON (sadly): I told you I was going snowboarding with a friend.

KRISTINA (nervously): Last weekend? So. Well?

SEMYON (sadly): In general… We arrived at the slope, and there the track is unprepared. Potholes, potholes, ruts. But you can't really go back. Go. And there was also a little rain during the night. The road is crusty, the snowboard does not obey at all. Handling is zero, the Board does not cling.

KRISTINA (as much as possible worried, preparing for the tragic news): Aaaaaah…

SEMYON (sadly): and the speed-you know.

Kristina puts her head down, almost crying.

SEMYON (sadly): I fell.

Kristina falls to her knees in despair, crying softly, but sobbing violently.

SEMYON (sadly): I scratched my nose and bit my tongue.

Kristina freezes in a silent frenzy.

SEMYON (understanding that it is necessary to tell something more serious, lies on the move, hesitantly): he also dislocated his shoulder, knee joint, and this one… the nerve was damaged there… (points to the back) somewhere in the back. I don't know anything about it. But he could hardly move.

Kristina bursts into tears.

SEMYON (cheerfully, realizing that he got out of it. He gets up and walks briskly across the room.) I got an ambulance to the ward. I don't remember everything there, I was losing consciousness. Nerve after all. It's a thing. Here it was passed, there it was disconnected. As a result, I only got out of the hospital yesterday. And my phone fell out on the highway, as it turned out, when I fell. But his benefit employees of the ski club found, and handed over to the administrator. I picked it up today and now I've just come to see you.

Semyon quite exhales, cautiously looking at Kristina, who is killed in tears sitting on her knees.

KRISTINA (out of breath from hysteria, quietly, with a scream): I felt, I knew, that something had happened. Thank God you're alive.

Kristina gets up from her knees and throws her arms around Semyon

KRISTINA (gently, carefully): Senechka, how are you feeling? How are you now? Does it hurt very much?

SIMON (simulated suffering): Nothing… But … I am now prescribed outpatient treatment and complete rest. I don't know when I can come to you next. You know, I'll be under the supervision of my wife and doctors all the time. New year meeting on the home bed with pills and procedures.

KRISTINA (gently, carefully): Yes, Yes, of course, I understand. The main thing is that you are healthy. And I'll wait as long as it takes, don't worry about it, I'll wait for you, honey.

Kristina and Semyon embrace.

Semyon's face expresses doubt and some emotion.

KRISTINA (gently, carefully): It's hard for you, but you broke out to me. So good, so caring. And I, a fool, have already thought of everything here. I thought you left me.

Kristina giggles softly through her tears as she looks at the Seeds.

Semyon adjusts to the situation and laughs in response, completely improbable and unnatural.

KRISTINA (gently, carefully, embracing Semyon): So we won't see each other for a long time now.

SIMON (simulated suffering): Yeah…

KRISTINA (tenderly, carefully, embracing the seeds): Sena? Or maybe… Before the long upcoming separation, can we do something? M?

SEMYON (refusing): Well, I don't know … After all, I'm in such shape now, and then…

KRISTINA (gently, insisting): I'll do it myself, honey. Well?

Begins to kiss the Seeds.

KRISTINA (gently, insistently): M?


KRISTINA (gently, insisting): Try it?


KRISTINA (gently, insisting): Already trying…


KRISTINA (gently, insisting): And I think we're getting somewhere…



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