Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Николай Лакутин
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Аннотация: Two friends, on a fine winter day, unexpectedly decide to veto their love Affairs, and start the New year with a clean slate. Determined, they almost sincerely try to enter a righteous life, but will their mistresses want to let their "friends" out of their clutches? What will come of this, read in the Comedy play "Somehow two under the new year".

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Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

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Dim lighting.

Susanna in an attractive form is bustling around the apartment, listening to music, dancing. Wipes the dust, corrects everything, ennobles, looks around the room with the master's eyes, goes to the kitchen, returns to the room, brings the cake with burning candles, puts it on the table. He moves back, touching, biting his index finger thoughtfully.

The doorbell rings!

Susanna runs to open it.

Lenya enters in his ski suit, and Susanna runs after him, trying to hug and caress him on the run, but Lenya's mood is not romantic at all.

LENYA (in a businesslike way, not too gently, seeing the cake on the table): Oh, what is it you have? It's not your birthday, is it?

SUSANNA (affectionately): that's right. Today we have another reason to spend a pleasant memorable evening.

LENYA (tries to say about the upcoming separation): Susanna, my dear, I have come to tell you that…

Susanna closes Leni's mouth with a sudden kiss on the lips, thus preventing Him from finishing.

SUSANNA (gently, moving away from the kiss): Then tell me, honey, it's our anniversary! Five years together, dear! Can you imagine? Five years!

Susanna screams with puppy delight and throws her arms around Leni's neck.

SUSANNA (softly, softly): for Five years I've loved you like crazy. And I don't hesitate to talk about it again and again! Lenka… You're so cool.

Susanna lets go of her hug.

SUSANNA (gently, helping to undress): Undress quickly, why are you standing there like a statue? Stunned, from such news Yes? I'm in shock myself! You and I have never celebrated our anniversaries, somehow we all missed the date. Then you are away, then I (ponders, not naturally truthful)… on mission. So year after year… you can imagine… Five years, Lenya! Five!

Susanna screams again with her happy squeak and hugs Lenya again.

LENYA (in confusion): Listen, well… Yes… I admit that I am somewhat shocked by this news. I thought… you and I …

SUSANNA (interrupts): Yes, just yesterday!

LENYA (in confusion): Well, Yes…

SUSANNA (excited, playful, pulling off Leni's jacket): Well, get undressed, honey, get undressed…

Lenya reluctantly undresses, sadly leaving the plan somewhere in the background of forgotten emergencies.

Susanna giggles, her playful mood gradually, slowly, but surely begins to be transmitted to Lena.

Here is Lenya, too, already begins to let go of some pinching, smiles and little pranks. And now he is fully introduced to the rules of the game set by Susanna.


Anniversaries joyfully and cheerfully rush around the table, catching up with each other. They feed each other cake, have fun…


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